‘In the sheltered, tranquil pleasance, where the quiet soul will wander,
There will come a gentle fragrance, bringing gifts from here and yonder.’
The little sanctuary nestled amongst the trees is a place of peace and stillness. The garden beckons, and provides a safe haven for the many birds and animals that live here. There is no space for the hustle and bustle of the world, only for a quiet awareness of the surrounding beauty.
When did you find time to be alone in any beautiful place, the forest, the beach, the wilderness?
In the busyness of our daily lives we often forget the importance or nurturing our inner selves. We may be completely unaware that we’ve lost that extra something, the spiritual connection with our own inner being and with God.
When we become spiritually disconnected it’s only a matter of time before ‘sailing’ can turn into ‘sinking’. Quite suddenly we may discover we’re like a ship without a rudder. Life’s storms can leave us battered on every side and at the worst, shipwrecked!
Relaxation and meditation are proven ways of improving our health, both mentally and physically and have become popular ways of managing stress. We are slowly but surely able to reconnect, find our balance and regain our sense of purpose and direction.
Contemplative Prayer - a simple and profound way of deepening our meditation time.
Among the different methods of meditation, many people are unaware of the Christian way of meditation and contemplation. It is simple but profound and can bring us into a closer relationship with God, the source of all love and healing.
In my stories, I AM The Big Man and I AM Waiting, the little dove speaks to young Lilian. As she learns to quietly repeat the Big Man’s (God’s) words, amazing things start to happen.
In the Bible there are many words spoken directly by God to each of us. For example, “Be still and know that I am God…I have always loved you. …I am the Lord your healer.”
Anyone, including children, can learn to relax and be still. Silent repetition of God’s words leads us into a new awareness of His presence. We discover the peace and healing that He wants to give us so freely. During this quiet time we can also become channels for healing for others as we ‘bring’ them into the silence, hold them up before God in our minds and then repeat the words on their behalf.
Whether you are young or old, this method of contemplation is simple to do and renews us in the midst of our stress filled lives. The silent repetition of God’s words, spoken in the first person, follows the method of Christian contemplation promoted by The Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer worldwide.
For further information on this method of Christian contemplative prayer follow the links on these websites: